Lou’s Zoo and Winston Too

Lou’s Zoo and Winston Too is the second book in the Lou’s Zoo Series!  This book teaches kids about kindness, compassion for others, self-esteem, and understanding anxiety. This book also teaches it’s Ok to be different and accept one another as they are. 



Lou’s Zoo and Winston Too is the second book in the Lou’s Zoo Series!  This book teaches kids about kindness, compassion for others, self-esteem, and understanding anxiety. This book also teaches it’s Ok to be different and accept one another as they are. 

In the first book, ‘Who’s New At Lou’s Zoo,’ Winston watched as new guests joined the neighborhood zoo, deciding he would like to be a part of the neighborhood, too.

In ‘Lou’s Zoo and Winston Too, you will learn how Winston the Wise Owl joins the neighborhood and takes on the role of Lou’s problem solver.

In that role, Winston shows kindness and compassion with every problem he helps solve. After all, Lou’s desire is to make sure the guests are happy.

Learn how Winston is not only Lou’s helper but also becomes the wise owl that the animals begin to rely on when they have a problem to solve.


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Paperback, Hardcover

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