“Girl Power” Lapel Pin – Rylee The Young Rocketeer

“Girl Power” Lapel Pin 

Empower and Celebrate empowerment with our “Girl Power” lapel pin! This vibrant pin embodies Rylee The Young Rocketeer and her spirit of curiosity and determination, making it a perfect accessory for a backpack, jacket or t0 go along with one of our Your Rylee Stories. Fans of Rylee’s space-bound journeys and young dreamers alike would love this as a gift.



“Girl Power” Lapel Pin 

Empower and Celebrate empowerment with our “Girl Power” lapel pin! This vibrant pin embodies Rylee The Young Rocketeer and her spirit of curiosity and determination, making it a perfect accessory for a backpack, jacket or t0 go along with one of our Your Rylee Stories. Fans of Rylee’s space-bound journeys and young dreamers alike would love this as a gift.

A perfect gift to go along with one of the Young Rylee Books:

Rylee The Young Rocketeer

Rylee’s Rover Goes To Mars

Rylee’s Rover Goes To The Moon


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