Beyond Grateful to The Golden Wizard Book Prize!

🌟 My Interview with The Golden Wizard Book Prize! 🌟

I am beyond grateful to The Golden Wizard Book Prize for the opportunity to share my author journey in a recent interview. It was an honor to talk about my passion for writing children’s books and the stories that have touched so many hearts.

I’m thrilled to have had Who’s New at Lou’s Zoo recognized as their 2023 Book of the Year, a story that celebrates kindness, compassion, and welcoming new friends. Most recently, my book Rylee’s Unique Pumpkins in Pumpkinville was also honored with recognition, highlighting its themes of acceptance and celebrating individuality.

Thank you to The Golden Wizard Book Prize for these incredible acknowledgments and for continuing to shine a light on children’s literature!

📚✨ Check out the interview and learn more about these award-winning books: Interview with multi-award-winning author JoAnn M. Dickinson!

#GoldenWizardBookPrize #ChildrensBooks #AwardWinningAuthor #WhosNewAtLousZoo #RyleesUniquePumpkinsOfPumpkinville #GratefulHeart

Happy New Year! Watch for more new releases coming soon.